The Spirit (2)

What ought to be the purity maintained within that sanctuary of that soul whose privilege it is to be constituted a residence and a temple for the Holy Ghost ? and with what deep fear and trembling ought he to regard the possibility of sin entering into and defiling that abode which is consecrated by the presence  of Him who cannot look on sin but with abhorence ? It is impossible to imagine a more awful motive to vigilance and holy jealousy than that which is supplied to the believer in the reflection that the entrance of an evil thought , or feeling , or purpose , into his soul , is a profanation done to the dwelling place of God , and a despite done to the Holy Spirit ; that the cherishing of such iniquity in the heart may at length provoke the Divine Inhabitant to with draw from the polluted abode - to give it up to the defilement which it has chosen . The very thought of such a result will be enough to awaken every latent energy within the Christian's heart; and the consciousness therefore , that God dwelleth in him by the Spirit , and is continually working in him with a view to carry forward the moral advancement of his nature , will be the most effectual of all arguments to zeal , and diligence , and perseverance in the work of the Lord .


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