
That which was "hidden from the wise and prudent,"the Father has "revealed unto babes ." When the weakest Christians reach the dread outlet from this state of existence , there will be sure to be One waiting for us , the one Friend who has undertaken our salvation , and who , however great our tribulation , will see us through it all ; with hushing mighty love His hands will be held out to us , His presence will still our trepidation , and still the storm of our surprise . Only think of it ! The thought makes us cry with quaint Sir Thomas Browne ," There is one comfort, that , though it is in the power of the weakest to deprive us of life , it is not in the power of the strongest to deprive us of death !"" Death is ours ", and death is but the name of the transition in which the sinner saved passes into the hands of the glorified Saviour , waiting to welcome him home.

 "Distrust and darkness of a future state ,
  Is that which makes mankind to dread their fate ;
  Dying is nothing , but tis this we fear,
  To be , we know not what , we know not where ."


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