The Psalms

The main glory of the book of Psalms is its identity with Christ . He brightly shines throughout its varied hymns . He is constantly the speaker , and in these breathings of his Spirit we receive convincing evidence that , without ceasing to be God , He was a perfect man , and pre-eminently a Man of Sorrows . We here are supplied with a vivid portrait of His character , His work , His love , His sufferings , His glory. It would be no difficult task to construct a Gospel from its prophetic language . It may be regarded as His manual during His career on earth . When , as the expiating God - man , He was uplifted on the accursed tree, and the iron entered into His soul , His misery goes forth in the moanings of a Psalm , " My God , My God , why hast thou forsaken me ?"  He gives up the ghost uttering its confiding terms , "Into Thy hands I commend my spirit ."  He ascends amid the shouts , "Lift up your heads , O ye gates !"  He receives the welcome , " Sit Thou on my right hand ."


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