The Psalms (4)

Greatness confers no exemption from the cares and sorrows of life . Its share of them frequently bears a melancholy proportion to its exultation . This the Israelitish Monarch experienced . He sought in piety that peace which he could not find in empire and alleviated the disquietutes of state with the exercises of devotion .
His invaluable Psalms convey those comforts to others , which they afforded to himself . Composed upon particular occasions , yet designed for general use . Delivered out as services for Israelites under the law , yet no less adapted to the circumstances of Christians under the Gospel , they present religion to us in the most engaging dress ; communicating truths which philosophy  could never investigate , in a style which poetry can never equal ; while history is made the vehicle of prophesy , and creation lends all its charms to paint the glories of redemption . Calculated alike to profit and to please , they inform the understanding , elevate the affections , and entertain the imagination . Indited under the influence of Him to whom all hearts are known , and events foreknown , they suit mankind in all situations , grateful as the manna that descended from above  and conformed itself to every palate . The fairest productions of human wit , after a few perusals , like gathered flowers , wither  in our hands , and lose their fragrancy ; but these unfading plants of Paradise become as we are accostomed to them , still more and more beautiful ; their bloom appears to be daily heightened ; fresh odours are omitted  , and new sweets extracted from them . He who has once tasted their excellencies , will desire to taste them yet again ; and he who tastes them oftenest will relish them most .


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