in Remembrance of Me

The sacrament of the Supper exhibits Christ not merely as a Lamb to be slain for a sin - offering , but as a Paschal Lamb to be eaten for spiritual nourishment . "Take eat this is My Body ."By this injunction Jesus taught the twelve , and through them all Christians , to regard His crucified humanity as the bread of God for the life of their souls . We must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of man spiritually by faith , as we eat the bread and drink the wine literally with the mouth .  In regarding Christ as the Bread of Life , we are not to restrict ourselves to the one benefit mentioned by Him in instituting the feast , the remission of sins , but to have in view all His benefits tending to our spiritual nourishment and growth in grace . Christ is the Bread of Life in all His offices  . As a Prophet , He supplies the bread  of divine truth to feed our minds ; as a Priest , He furnishes the bread of righteousness to satisfy our troubled consciences ; as a King , He presents Himself to us as an object of devotion , that shall fill our hearts , and whom we may worship without fear of idolatry.   A.B. Bruce


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