Blaidhna mhath uir dhuibh uile. Happy New Year To You All
Showing posts from December, 2010
The Law
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While you do not look to the law in the least for justification , you nevertheless magnify and honour the law by your obedience to its requirements. You do not obey the law in order to obtain the forgiveness of your sins . They are already forgiven for Christ's sake . That part of your salvation is secure. But you obey the law because you are forgiven ; because you love to obey . You obey it because your faith in Christ's blood is living , and not dead ; is working faith, and not inoperative faith- the genuine principle which Paul praises and defends, and not the counterfeit which James condemns and attacks.
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"I will send a famine in the land ...........of hearing the words of the Lord."Amos 8: 11. Israel will not listen to God' s prophets , and their voices will be silenced . This was a just retribution . As they were not willing to have the word of God , so there should be a famine of that word . The word of God was precious in the days of Samuel , because there was no open vision ; so should it be again . And perhaps this privation will be one day meted to our own beloved country . There is a much larger proportion of our population outside than inside our churches ; and men proudly eschew God's Word . It may be that the message of the Gospel will almost cease from among them , and be replaced - as in many instances is now the case - by the dry husks of morality and ceremonialism . Then they shall run to and fro to seek the word of of the Lord , and shall not find it .................. It is worth notice , that if men have not God , they will find some substitute . Th...
in Remembrance of Me
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The sacrament of the Supper exhibits Christ not merely as a Lamb to be slain for a sin - offering , but as a Paschal Lamb to be eaten for spiritual nourishment . "Take eat this is My Body ."By this injunction Jesus taught the twelve , and through them all Christians , to regard His crucified humanity as the bread of God for the life of their souls . We must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of man spiritually by faith , as we eat the bread and drink the wine literally with the mouth . In regarding Christ as the Bread of Life , we are not to restrict ourselves to the one benefit mentioned by Him in instituting the feast , the remission of sins , but to have in view all His benefits tending to our spiritual nourishment and growth in grace . Christ is the Bread of Life in all His offices . As a Prophet , He supplies the bread of divine truth to feed our minds ; as a Priest , He furnishes the bread of righteousness to satisfy our troubled consciences ; as a King...
The Spirit
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The office of the Spirit promised to us , is not to form new and un-heard of revelations , or to coin a new form of doctrine , by which we may be led away from the received doctrine of the Gospel , but to seal on our minds the very doctrine which the Gospel recommends . ........Any spirit which passes by the doctrine of God's word , and suggests any other doctrine , is deservedly suspected of vanity and falsehood ........The Author of the Scriptures cannot vary , and change His likeness . Such as He there appeared at first , such he will perpetually remain .............. The word is the instrument by which the illumination of the Spirit is dispensed . Calvins Institutes .
Theological Outlook
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Not even the most fervid Scot could claim today that his countrymen were all theologians , as they were alleged to have been in a former age . For in Scotland , as elsewhere , theology has fallen on evil days . De throned from her queenly position among the sciences , she has become , to a painful extent , the plaything of the witty and the scornful . Theology is no longer the imposing authority behind the preacher which it used to be . The popular sermon scarcely even hints at doctrine , except sometimes to deride it . And there are many who see in this want of theology the tragedy of the Church today . Vigorous religious life never fails to give expression to a correspondingly vigorous theology , and the absence of the one accounts for the lack of the other . But still no preacher can express his thoughts or carry conviction to his hearers without speaking theology , either nebulous or clear . But with belief in an infallible Bible widely denied, the ancient seat of authority is gone...
Will Not Let Him Go
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" I found him whom my soul loveth ; and I held him and would not let him go "Song of Solomon. 3:4. There are two very diverse senses in which men will no let the Saviour go , carrying with them very different meanings , and very different issues . And how marvellous , how startling the extremes which they reveal -- extremes of deadliest sin and deepest piety . Caiaphas ! Thou Priest of the Most High God , thou hypocrite ! Thou wilt not let Christ go . Thou wilt not let him go until thou crucify him . Nor wilt thou , O worldling until thou crucify him afresh . (Hebrew .6:6) Jacob ! thou prevailing prince with God ! Thou wilt not let him go . Thou wilt not let him go until he bless thee . . Nor thou , O Israelite indeed , until he bless thee too. In which of these two senses would you have the Christ declare that you will not let him go .? Hugh Martin
The Holy Spirit
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Preparation for heaven does not consist in rising to any imaginary standard of piety, in being as holy as we may consider some illustrious saints , in rising to certain frames of which we have heard and which we have desired ; but in being filled as full of the Holy Spirit as our capacities can bear . Do you ask , how can I attain eminent holiness ? Seek wit undeviating and self - sacrificing purpose , eminent measures of the Holy Ghost .
The Psalms (5)
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The pieces of which this book consists are in their leading character devotional summaries , expressing the pious thoughts and feelings which the consideration of God's ways and the knowledge of His revelations were fitted to raise in reflecting and spiritual bosoms . But the singular thing is , that they are this for the New as well as the Old Testament worshipper . They are still incomparably the most perfect expression of the religious sentiment , and the best directory to the soul in its meditations and communings about divine things , which is anywhere to be found . There is not a feature in the divine character , nor an aspect of any moment in the life of faith , to which expression , more or less distinct , is not there given . How could such a book have come into existence , centuries before the Christian era , but for the fact that the Old and the New dispensations - however they may have differed in outward form , or in the ostensible nature of the transactions belonging ...
Psalm 38 v 9.
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"Lord , all my desire is before Thee ; and my groaning is not hid from Thee ." Out of these fearful depths there is a ready access to the throne of grace . The afflicted soul looks upward and appeals to God . No direct application is expressed , but attention is humbly craved to the desires which have a language in the ears of God . "The Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered; and He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit."
The Psalms (4)
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Greatness confers no exemption from the cares and sorrows of life . Its share of them frequently bears a melancholy proportion to its exultation . This the Israelitish Monarch experienced . He sought in piety that peace which he could not find in empire and alleviated the disquietutes of state with the exercises of devotion . His invaluable Psalms convey those comforts to others , which they afforded to himself . Composed upon particular occasions , yet designed for general use . Delivered out as services for Israelites under the law , yet no less adapted to the circumstances of Christians under the Gospel , they present religion to us in the most engaging dress ; communicating truths which philosophy could never investigate , in a style which poetry can never equal ; while history is made the vehicle of prophesy , and creation lends all its charms to paint the glories of redemption . Calculated alike to profit and to please , they inform the understanding , elevate the affection...
The Psalms (3)
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The Psalms traverses every condition of man . It roams with the shepherd in the meadows . It sits with the mighty monarch on the throne . It flees with the fugitive on the hills , and hides with him in the caves . It leads the conquering host to victory . It walks with the busy in the crowded haunts, and leaves not the lonely in their solitide . It is a prop for the staggering steps - a guide for the wanderer - a counsellor when perplexities bewilder - a pillow for the weary head , a sympathising hand to wipe the weeping eye , a voice to whisper comfort to the disconsolate . No words more cheer the dying saint . The soul in extremest agony for sin finds here a ready outlet for the bitterest streams of sorrow . Words are here supplied to crave deliverance from wrath . When interest in Christ is realised , and joy is in the height of rapture , here are the wings to bear aloft to heaven
The Psalms
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The main glory of the book of Psalms is its identity with Christ . He brightly shines throughout its varied hymns . He is constantly the speaker , and in these breathings of his Spirit we receive convincing evidence that , without ceasing to be God , He was a perfect man , and pre-eminently a Man of Sorrows . We here are supplied with a vivid portrait of His character , His work , His love , His sufferings , His glory. It would be no difficult task to construct a Gospel from its prophetic language . It may be regarded as His manual during His career on earth . When , as the expiating God - man , He was uplifted on the accursed tree, and the iron entered into His soul , His misery goes forth in the moanings of a Psalm , " My God , My God , why hast thou forsaken me ?" He gives up the ghost uttering its confiding terms , "Into Thy hands I commend my spirit ." He ascends amid the shouts , "Lift up your heads , O ye gates !" He receives the welcome , "...
The Psalms
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"The Psalms are an epitome of the Bible , adapted to the purposes of devotion . They treat occasionally of the creation and formation of the world ; the dispensations of Providence , and the economy of grace ; the transactions of the patriarchs ; the exodus of the children of Israel ; their journey through the wilderness, and settlement in Canaan ; their law, priesthood and ritual ; the exploits of their great men , wrought through faith ; their sins and captivities ; their repentance and restoration ; the sufferings and victories of David ; the peaceful and happy reign of Solomon ; the advent of Messiah , with its effects and consequences; his incarnation , birth , life , passion , death , resurrection , ascension , kingdom and priesthood ; the effusion of the Spirit ; the conversion of the nations ; the rejection of the Jews ; the establishment , increase ,and perpetuity of the Christian church ; the end of the world ; the general judgement ; the co...