
They speak of evidences of religion , and much has been done in our day to multiply and confirm them; but after all , Christians are the best evidences of Christianity . Alas ,we have been for two thousand years been printing books to prove Christianity true , and living  so as to make people think that we do not believe it  . Living witnesses , if they are true, have far more power than the dead letters of a book, however accurate they may be .The last words of Jesus on earth were spoken to leave this charge upon his members, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me , both in Jerusalem , and in all Judea , and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth; and when he had spoken these things, while they beheld , and was taken up , and a cloud received him out of their sight."ACTS 1. 8.9. His last command is , in the place where you happen to be , and in all the neighbourhood as far as your influence  reaches , and when opportunity occurs to all mankind, be ye witnesses unto me . After this he departed in a cloud. He will come again in the clouds and every eye shall see him . Occupy till He come . At His coming we would to be found faithful and busy in the very work which he prescribed . There is no other work worth living for , or fit for dying in . How much have you got from Christ , and how much have you done for needy men while passing through life - these are the only things that will be important when the closing hour has come . To be saved , and to commend the Saviour .- that is the double aim fit to fill a human heart and a human life .
"A true witness delivereth souls;" and a false witness ? He is the stone over which they stumble. It is not in the power of any man to be neutral in the conflict between light and darkness. Good and evil in actual life are like land and sea on the globe ;  If you are not on the one ,you must be on the other. There is no belt of intermediate territory for the irresolute to linger on . Let no man who bears Christ's name lay the unction to his soul, that if he does no good , he at least does no evil. One of the heaviest complaints made in the prophets against Jerusalem for her backsliding , is that she was a "comfort" to Samaria and Sodom EZEKIEL.16:54.  that those who had the name and place of God's people , so lived as to make the wicked feel at ease . IF the salt retain its saltness, surrounding corruption will be made uneasy by its contact . If Christians live as like the world as they can , the world will think itself safe in its sin;  and those who should have been the deliverers , will become the destroyers of their neighbours.


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