
We have no right to expect anything but the pure Gospel of Christ , unmixed and unadulterated , - the same Gospel that was taught by the Apostles,- to do good to the souls of men. I believe that to maintain this pure truth in the Church men should be ready to make any sacrifice , to hazard peace , to risk dissension , and run the chance of division. They should no more tolerate false doctrine than they would tolerate sin. They should withstand any adding to ,or taking away from the message of the Gospel of Christ. ................................there are not a few parishes in England (and Scotland) where the religious teaching is little better than morality. The distinctive doctrines of Christianity are never clearly proclaimed. Plato, or Seneca , or Confucius, or Socinus , could have taught almost as much.  Ought the laity in such parishes to sit still, be content , and take it quietly ? They ought not . And why ?Because like St. Paul , they ought to prefer truth to peace.    J.C.Ryle . Warnings to the Churches


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