A Jewel Ill Set Proverbs 11: 22.

Women who have beauty above average should be extremely watchful on that side , lest they sin and suffer there. You have a jewel of gold ; don't put it in a swine's snout. The misapplication will prostitute the gift. The incongruity will be repulsive to all whose tastes are true. It will attract the vain , and repel the solid . There are diversities of operation under the ministry of the same Spirit . For discipline to human souls in time , deformity is given to one , and beauty to another. The chief consideration for each is how she may best bear the trial, so as to get it enlisted among the workers for good, and instruments of saving. If both are saved,it will be a pleasant burden to compare notes, of their several paths , and several burdens, when they meet in equal loveliness, without spot or wrinkle , in the presence of the Lord.  If it were our part to judge , most of us would think it probable that beauty is the greater trial, and that under it a greater proportion stumble and fall.  But we are not permitted to judge  , for we are not able to judge aright. We do not see far. The Lord is judge himself; and the day will declare whether beauty, in filling the soul with vanity , or deformity , in fretting it with envy , has been actually the more successful instrument of evil  in Satan's hands . Meanwhile  , those on either extremity have a weight to bear, should watch unto prayer , and cast their burden on the Lord ; while we , the mass of humankind in the middle , who in that respect have neither poverty nor riches , should be humbly thankful to God for casting our lot in a safer place , and marking  out to us an easier path.


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