
To mock at sin now , is the way to the place of eternal weeping . They who weep for sin now , will rejoice in a Saviour yet.  Blessed are they that so mourn , for they shall be comforted. Those who make a mock at sin are obliged also to mock at holiness.  This is the law of their condition; " evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse." To laugh at sin and to laugh at holiness are two sides of the one thing; they cannot be separated . Those who make mirth of goodness persuade themselves that they are only getting amusement from the weakness of a brother : let them beware ; if that in a Christian which affords you sport be a feature of his Redeemer's likeness , He whose likeness it is is looking on , and will require it . Let the merrymakers see to it , when they are raising a laugh at the softness of a Christian , lest they be really scorning the gentleness of Christ , reflected in the mirror of a disiple's life course . God is not mocked.

When Jesus looked down from the brow of Olivet ,upon a city full of sinning men , he wept . He is wise and knows what is suitable to the case . He sees the end from the beginning . None who look unto Jesus can mock at sin ; the Redeemer's tears would quench  profane mirth .


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