
The hypothesis of evolution fails at several points . It cannot explain the origin of life . Evolutionists sought its explanation in spontaneous generation, an unproved assumption , which is now discredited. It is a well established fact in science that life can only come from antecedent life . Further , it has failed utterly to adduce a single example of one species producing another distinct( organic as distinguished from varietal )species. Bateson said in 1921 "We cannot see how the differentiation in species came about . Variations of many kinds , often considerable , we see daily , but no origin of species.........Meanwhile while our faith in evolution stands unshaken , we have no acceptable account of the origin of species.." Neither has evolution been able to cope with the problems presented by the origin of man . It has not not even succeeded  in proving the physical descent of man from the brute. Much less has it been able to explain the physical side of man's life . The human soul endowed with intelligence , self- consciousness, freedom , conscience, and religious aspirations, remains an unsolved enigma. Louis Berkhof


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