
The precise idea of creation is not to be ascertained merely by a consideration of the term used in the beginning of God's written revelation .  The term created is used in the absolute sense to declare the  bringing into existence of the matter out of which the heaven and earth is composed . The first verse of Genesis informs us that God brought the universe into being . The subsequent verses refer to the steps taken to complete the work of creation . These successive parts of the work having been completed, we are told that , "God saw everything that He had made , and behold , it was very good . And the evening and the morning were the sixth day  . Thus the heavens and earth were finished  , and all the host of them ." (Gen.1:31 - 2 :1). Some philosophers while accepting an absolute creation first  , say that this is against reason , but not contrary to faith. It is proper to say ,however , that creation is not against reason , but above reason  and is to be accepted by faith in the power of God , and this is just what the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews asserts (Hebrews 11:3).Rev W Nicholson


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