He who listens to the teaching of the sanctuary, with the notion or imagination that he has completed the work of applying it to himself, and hears merely for others , or for merely intellectual improvement , is in a most unfavourable position to receive salutary impressions .This is the hazard that accompanies a steady attendance upon public worship , without faith , repentance , and a Christian profession.The mind of such a person becomes filled with the doctrines of the gospel , and they command his unhesitating assent. They are so true for his intellect , that he never thinks of disputing them . And at the same time , he never thinks of applying them to himself practically. There is a species of mental pride, a pride of knowledge , perhaps a pride of orthodoxy , that hinders him from listening with a tender conscience , and a meek and lowly heart. Perhaps it would be better if such a hearer might , for a time , be brought into a sceptical conflict with the truth. Perhaps...