Robert Garnock from Scots Worthies

"O dear friends, I would, as one going to eternity, ob test you, that you make good earnest in religion, and be restless until you get a clearness of an interest in Christ; for it is a dangerous time to live in the dark. I would have you consider what a weighty business it is, to deny the Lord of glory before men. There has strange things of this nature fallen out, in this our day. O I look to yourselves, I would entreat you, to be for God, and he will be for you; confess him, and he will confess you. As good soldiers, endure hardness; wax valiant in suffering. Resist unto blood, for it is the cause of God, that is at stake. O! there are none of you lamenting after God; ah! is there none of you that hath love to the Lord, and will take part with him, against all his enemies? O I but it be sad to see you with such whole hearts, and so little grief among you, for the robbery that the Lord of glory is getting. I declare, my suffering is nothing; but, when I see you who are professors, what an unconcerned people ye are, it makes my soul bleed to see you in such a frame, when the church is in such a condition. I wish the Lord may help poor young ones, that are brought up under you with the want of the gospel. O for the gospel back again to Scotland! Oh for one faithful minister in all the land! O but the harvest be great, and the labourers few! As for my part, now when I am going into eternity, I declare, I see not, nor hear of a minister in all Scotland, who is at the duty the Lord calls for, at ministers' hands, in preaching against all sorts of sin: 'in season, and out of season, rebuking reproving, and exhorting.' As for my part, I cannot join with them who are not so.


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