Marion Harvie. Her last words.

Her Last Words. This martyr, though both young in years and of the weak sex, was so singularly assisted of the Lord in his cause, and had such discoveries of his special love to her soul, that she was nothing terrified by her adversaries. When she was brought from the tollbooth to the council-house, to be carried to her execution,—as she came out of the tollbooth door, several friends attending her,—she was observed to say with a surprising cheerfulness and air of heavenly ravishment, "Behold, I hear my beloved saying unto me, Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away." And being brought to the council, bishop Paterson being resolved,—seeing he could not destroy her soul,—yet to grieve and vex it, said,—"Marion, you said,you would never hear a curate, now you shall be forced to hear one;" upon which, he ordered one of his suffragans, whom he had prepared for the purpose, to pray.* So soon as he began, she said to her fellow prisoner Isabel Alison; "Come Isabel, let us sing the xxiii. Psalm;" which accordingly they did,—Marion repeating the Psalm line by line, without book,—which drowned the voice of the curate, and extremely confounded the persecutors. Being come to the scaffold, after singing the l xxxiv. Psalm, and reading the iii. chap, of Malachi, she said, "I am come here to-day for avowing Christ to be head of his church, and King in Zion. O seek him, Sirs! seek him, and ye shall find him; I sought him and found him, I held him, and would not let him go." Then she briefly narrated the manner how she was taken, and recapitulated in short the heads of her written testimony, saying to this effect; "I going out of Edinburgh to hear the persecuted gospel in the fields, was taken by the way with soldiers, and brought into the guard; afterwards I was brought to the council, and they questioned me, if I knew Mr. Donald Cargill? Or if I heard him preach? I answered, I bless the Lord I heard him, and my soul was refreshed with hearing him, for he is a faithful minister of Jesus Christ. They asked if I adhered to the papers gotten at the Ferry? I said, I did own them, and all the rest of Christ's truths. If I would have denied any of them, my life was in my offer; but I durst not do it, no, not for my soul. Ere I wanted an hour of His presence, I had rather die ten deaths. I durst not speak against Him, lest I should have sinned against God. I adhere to the Bible and Confession of Faith, Catechisms and Covenants, which are according to this Bible.' The most of her discourse was of God's love to her, and the commendation of free grace; and she declared, she had much of the Lord's presence with her in prison, and said, "I bless the Lord the snare is broken, and we are escaped;" and when she came to the ladder foot she prayed. And going up the ladder, she said, "O my fair one, my lovely one, come away;" and sitting down upon the ladder, she said, "I am not come here for murder, for they have no matter of fact to charge me with, but only my judgment. I am about twenty years of age; at fourteen or fifteen I was a hearer of the curates and indulged, and while I was a hearer of these, I was a blasphemer and Sabbath-breaker, and a chapter of the Bible was a burden to me; but since I heard this persecuted gospel, I durst not blaspheme, nor break the Sabbath, and the Bible became my delight." With this the major called to the hangman to cast her over, and the murderer presently choked her.from the dying testimonies of the Scots Worthies.


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