The Divine Word, and the doom of its defacers

 If any man shall add unto these things.

I. THE PERFECTION OF GOD'S WORD. Man may not intermeddle with it, either to add or to take away. Can man improve the works of God? — the mountains, rivers, flowers? — the blue sky, the stars, the sun? Even so is the Word of God too perfect for him to touch.

II. THE HONOUR GOD PUTS ON IT. He has magnified it, even above His works; so that he who disparages the Word of God is more guilty than he who disparages the works of God. It is the fullest expression of His mind, the completest revelation of His character.

III. OUR RESPONSIBILITIES IN REGARD TO IT. It is not given us for mere speculation or gratification; but for something far higher. We are responsible for the way we treat it, study it, profit by it. Its perfection makes our responsibility very great, and appeals to our consciences most powerfully.

IV. THE SIN OF TAMPERING WITH IT. Every low thought about the Bible is sin. Every attempt to touch it, either in the way of addition or subtraction, is sin.

V. THE DANGER OF MEDDLING WITH IT. The danger is exceeding great; and the punishment awarded to the intermeddlers is the declaration of the danger. God will not be mocked in this thing.

(H. Bonar, D. D.)


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