JOHN KNOX’S VOCATION. THE castle of St. Andrews being held by the Reformers after Archbishop Beaton’s death, Knox, for safety, repaired thither with his pupils from Langniddrie and Ormiston, and taught in a chapel, the ruins of which, is still called Knox’s kirk. The stated preacher at the castle was one John Rough, who was a few years younger than Knox. This man, feeling himself overwhelmed by the responsibility which the leadership of the Protestant cause had upon him, urged Knox to share his work; but Knox declining at first, he preached a sermon on the right of a congregation to elect a minister, and the responsibility by one, if he refused the call; and, addressing Knox, said—“Brother, you shall not be offended, although I speak unto you that which I have in charge, even from all those who are here present, which is this: In the name of God, and of His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the name of all that presently call you by my mouth, I charge you that you refuse not the holy vocation; but, as you tender the glory of God, the increase of Christ’s kingdom, the edification of your brethren, and the comfort of me, whom you understand well enough to be oppressed by the multitude of labours, that you take the public office and charge of preaching, even as you look to avoid God’s heavy displeasure, and desire that He shall multiply His graces unto you.” Then, addressing the congregation (one of whom was Sir David Lindsay, of the Mount), said—“Was not this your charge unto me? and do ye not approve this vocation?” They all answered, “It was, and we approve it.” At these words, Knox suddenly burst into tears, and left the assembly. It is recorded that “his countenance and behaviour from that day till the day that he was compelled to present himself in the public place of preaching, did sufficiently declare the grief and trouble of his heart, for no man saw any sign of mirth from him; neither had he pleasure to accompany any men for many days together.” In this way the divine call came to the great Scotch Reformer, and the voice of God in that call he obeyed, with what results his noble life showed.  "Religious Anecdotes Of Scotland"


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