The trumpet of Zion


I. WHAT IS MEANT BY BLOWING THE GOSPEL TRUMPET? Trumpets were and are used in martial music, and in festive song. Commissioned by the Lord, and in dependence on God the Spirit, the ministers of Jesus Christ come forth before their people, to offer them, in God's name, and on His own terms, pardon and peace, life and salvation, through Christ; or, if they reject these, to denounce to them, in His name, the sentence of death and destruction. This is "blowing the trumpet." Not content with this, ministers solemnly warn the self-righteous and the unrighteous, the professor and the hypocrite, and those who are "at ease in Zion," of their approaching danger. This is "sounding an alarm." But what reception have you given to this Gospel?

II. TO WHOM, AND WHERE, IS THIS TRUMPET COMMANDED TO BE BLOWN, AND THIS ALARM TO BE SOUNDED? Had he been sent to Nineveh, or to the profane part of his own people, we should not feel surprised, but he was sent to the princes and nobles, priests and Levites, aged and honourable; even to his neighbours and personal friends. He was to show to "Jacob his transgressions, and to Israel his sins." What was the duty of Joel is the duty of every minister of the Gospel now; and the difficulties are very nearly the same. A minister must be faithful to his oath, his conscience, his people, and his God. One reason for blowing the trumpet needs consideration. It is this. "The day of the Lord cometh, it is nigh at hand."

(J. White Niblock, D. D.)


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