
 Is there not a great decay amongst professors in real practical godliness? Are we like the old Protestants, or the old Puritans I I answer, That the decay and degeneracy is great, and heavily to be bewailed. But what is the cause? and what will be its cure ?, Is it because the doctrine of morality, and virtue, and good works, is not enough preached i This cannot be: for there hath been for many years a public ministry in the nation, that make these their constant themes. Yet the land is become as Sodom for all lewdness; and the tree of profaneness is so grown, that the sword of the magistrate hath not yet been able to lop off any of its branches. Is it because men have too much faith in Christ? or too little? or none at all? Would not faith in Christ increase holiness? did it not always so? and will it not still do it? Was not the holiness of the first Protestants eminent and shining? and yet they generally put assurance in the definition of their faith. We cannot say, that gospel-holiness hath prospered much by the correction  or mitigation of that harsh-Iilee definition. The certain spring of this prevailing wickedness in the land, is people's ignorance and unbelief of the gospel of Christ; and that grows by many prophets that speak lie's to them in the name of the Lord. Robert Traill


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