* Build your nest upon no tree here, for you see God hath sold the forest to Death; and erery tree whereupon we would rest is ready to be cut down, to the end we may flee and mount up and build upon the Rock.” - Creatures and creature-comforts are such trees, feeble and withering at the best, and soon to be cut down. But Jesus is the rock in the clefts of which we may securely and abidingly hide. If we build our nests of joy and peace on the former, we shall and must be disap pointed; for sooner or later the hand of the great forester shall lay the axe to the root, and trees and nests must fall together. Some trees may be firmer rooted than others, and may thus flourish longer, but in the end, whether by tem Pest or by axe, every tree must fall; for “the wholeforest is sold to Death.” It is only when we build our happiness on Christ that we build surely; for he is not a fading tree, but an en during rock. The nests built on the clefts of this rock are lasting as eternity. Where, reader, art thou building? “Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.”—Col. iii. 3.

** Build your nest upon no tree here, for you see God hath sold the forest to Death; and erery tree whereupon we would rest is ready to be cut down, to the end we may flee and mount up and build upon the Rock.” - Creatures and creature-comforts are such trees, feeble and withering at the best, and soon to be cut down. But Jesus is the rock in the clefts of which we may securely and abidingly hide. If we build our nests of joy and peace on the former, we shall and must be disap pointed; for sooner or later the hand of the great forester shall lay the axe to the root, and trees and nests must fall together. Some trees may be firmer rooted than others, and may thus flourish longer, but in the end, whether by tem Pest or by axe, every tree must fall; for “the wholeforest is sold to Death.” It is only when we build our happiness on Christ that we build surely; for he is not a fading tree, but an en during rock. The nests built on the clefts of this rock are lasting as eternity. Where, reader, art thou building? “Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.”—Col. iii. 3. for you see God hath sold the forest to Death; and erery tree whereupon we would rest is ready to be cut down, to the end we may flee and mount up and build upon the Rock.” - Creatures and creature-comforts are such trees, feeble and withering at the best, and soon to be cut down. But Jesus is the rock in the clefts of which we may securely and abidingly hide. If we build our nests of joy and peace on the former, we shall and must be disap pointed; for sooner or later the hand of the great forester shall lay the axe to the root, and trees and nests must fall together. Some trees may be firmer rooted than others, and may thus flourish longer, but in the end, whether by tem Pest or by axe, every tree must fall; for “the wholeforest is sold to Death.” It is only when we build our happiness on Christ that we build surely; for he is not a fading tree, but an en during rock. The nests built on the clefts of this rock are lasting as eternity. Where, reader, art thou building? “Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.”—Col. iii. 3.


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