Who is wise, and he shall understand these things?
? — There must be prudence and wisdom before we can understand Divine truths; there must be an illumination within. A man may know whether he be prudent and wise by his relishing of Divine truths, for otherwise he is not wise and prudent in these things which are the main. The prophet now comes to shew and defend the equity of God's ways, how crooked soever they seem to flesh and blood. By "ways" he understandeth the whole law and Gospel, the whole Word of God; which he calleth right, not only because they are righteous in themselves, but because they reform whatsoever is amiss in us, and rectify us; and work whatsoever is needful for our good and salvation. God's ways are those wherein He walks to us: the ways that He prescribes us to walk in; and our ways as they are comformable to His. "The ways of the Lord are right"; as they agree to that which is right or straight; and right likewise, because they lead directly to a right end. Observe that man is not a prescriber of his own way, and that no creature's will is a rule. The Word of the Lord is every way perfect, and brings us to perfection. The best way to come to a good and right end is to, take God's ways. Shew the divers effects these right ways of God have in two sorts of people, the godly and the wicked.
1. The just shall walk in them. They are just who give to every one their due, and give God His due. They are such as have respect unto all God s commandments. They do things to a good end, even the glory of God and the good of man. They desire to grow in grace and they love the brethren. In the worst times, God will have always a people that shall justify wisdom. Men must have spiritual life, and be just, before they can walk. For our encouragement to walk in God's ways, know that they are the most safe ways of all; they are the most pleasant, and they are the cleanest and holiest. "The transgressors shall fall therein." The same word which is a word of life and salvation to the godly is an occasion of sin and perdition unto the wicked.
( Sibbes, Richard.)


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