FROM A STATE OF MEANNESS TO A STATE OF DIGNITY. The mention of wings, by means of which the feathered tribes soar aloft, so as to reach an elevation, and occupy a field of movement to which the other animals do not, and cannot, attain, naturally suggests the raising of the redeemed from the degradation which they were accustomed to share with their fellow-sinners, and their being placed on high, and in heaven; while the silver and gold represent the splendour and magnificence of their altered circumstances.
II. FROM A STATE OF POVERTY TO A STATE OF AFFLUENCE. Silver and gold are the emblems of wealth. "Ye shall be as the wings of a dove, covered with silver and with yellow gold." Whatever else these words may mean, they certainly must mean a state with which poverty has nothing to do. Doubtless they are expressive of those spiritual graces and endowments with which believers are invested, and of that imputed righteousness in which they shine; and which together constitute the ornaments and the robes that they wear as kings and priests unto God. Much has been done to enrich the Church.
III. FROM A STATE OF WRETCHEDNESS TO A STATE OF FELICITY. Joy in the room of sorrow; gladness instead of sighing; shouts of rapture for shrieks of pain; life for death! No longer tossed on the sea of adversity and trouble, they shall find themselves safe in the haven of rest, and peace, and external happiness; and, delivered from every vexation and every fear, ages of never-ending sunshine and serenity shall glide over their heads!
IV. FROM A STATE OF DEFILEMENT TO A STATE OF PURITY. "Clean water" is sprinkled on them, and they are made clean; from all their filthiness, and from all their idols, does God cleanse them.
V. FROM A STATE OF GROVELLING SENSUALITY, TO A STATE IN WHICH THE FLESH, WITH ITS AFFECTIONS AND LUSTS, SHALL BE CRUCIFIED. Sinners, in their natural state, are governed by some one or other of the unhallowed impulses of a depraved heart. But the desires of sinners that are renewed flow not downwards to the earth, — they ascend upwards to heaven.
(Andrew Gray.)


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