Jeremiah 45 
Biblical Illustrator
Seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not.
Baruch, the companion of Jeremiah, to whom these words were addressed, was a young man of learning, who had probably formed large expectations of distinction, which were sadly disappointed by the calamities which befell his country. The prophet checks his aspirations in the strong language of our text: "Seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not." It is the selfish seeking of the great things of this world and the eager pursuits of them, as if they were of supreme importance, which is censured by the prophet.1. They who thus seek them are least likely to attain them. It is said there is a fiery light which appears in marshy places, floating just above the surface of the earth, so volatile in its nature that the least breath moves it, and consequently those who rush towards it most eagerly, create a current of air which drives it from them, and it thus leads them on to miry places for their destruction; while, if they would quietly sit down it might float near them, or rest upon them when there was no agitation in the atmosphere to repel it. So is it with the great things of this world, they often fly from those who pant in the chase after them; they frequently rest upon those who reach after them more quietly. One of the wealthiest individuals in a distant city, who spends immense sums for benevolent purposes, was heard to say, that he hardly knew how his property came to him; it seemed to increase without effort on his part, and whether he would or no. The reason may have been because he was not selfishly eager in the pursuit of it, and because he consecrated it to good objects, and therefore God blessed him as He did Solomon.
2. They who selfishly and eagerly "seek the great things" of the world, are apt to have some sore trial coupled with success, if they are successful. Look at all history; when were its great men so wretched, as when they had attained the highest point of exaltation! "He has gained everything," said a companion of Napoleon, when he was in the zenith of prosperity, "and yet he is unhappy." So true is this, that one almost dreads entering upon a state of great worldly aggrandisement, or to see others entering upon it, lest some. thing should happen to mar all. We feel as we do when one is on a lofty spire, admiring his elevation, but almost afraid to look at him lest he should fall God has wisely connected such checks with worldly greatness, to teach us not to set our hearts upon it, and to enforce the prophet s warning, "Seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not."
3. The thought of death should teach the vanity of the selfish and eager pursuit of worldly greatness. How one severe fit of sickness will change the aspect of all the glitter of the world! In health it is like the panoramic view where splendid palaces and cities pass before our delighted eyes; in sickness the glass is taken away, and a little painted daub is seen, no bigger than one's hand. And death shuts out even that from our sight. "Millions for an hour of life," was the dying exclamation of one of England's proudest queens. It is further humiliating to all worldly aspirations to see how small, a vacancy one makes among the living by his death. Think of any person, however great he may have been, who has been two years dead, how little is he missed! how everything goes forward just as smoothly without him! What then, in conclusion, is the view of the great things of this life to which such reflections lead? The proper view seems to be, not to despise the things of this world, but to be sure that our supreme affections are on those of another and a better; not to reject the good gifts of this life, but neither to toil for them as if they were all in all to our happiness, nor to use them, when gained, for our own selfish gratification.
(W. H. Lewis, D. D.)
We wish, so to speak, not to annihilate the passions of human nature, which sin disturbs and perverts; but, if possible, to convert them, and turn them into another direction. You love pleasure, and we wish you to have pleasure; only we would draw you off from "the pleasures of sin for a season," to the joy of God's salvation; we would draw you from the filthy puddle to the "water of life, clear as crystal, which proceedeth from the throne of God and of the Lamb." You love wealth; we wish you to love it, and to obtain it; but not "the deceitful riches," as the Scriptures call them, but the "true riches," the "unsearchable riches of Christ." You are ambitious, and we wish you to be so; you wish to rise, and we wish you to rise; you wish to be great, and we wish you to be great; and therefore we would open a career of glory and grandeur, in pursuing which you will be placed far above philosophers, and politicians, and heroes, and kings; "dwelling on high," and being "quickened together with Christ," "raised up, and made to sit with Him in the heavenly places." There are four reasons why you should not "seek great things" for yourselves on earth, and four reasons why you should "seek those things that are above."I. THE ONE IS UNCERTAIN IN ACQUISITION — THE OTHER SURE. A great deal of what is called earthly greatness is placed beyond the reach of many, whatever they may do. Many are poor, and they have not the opportunities and the means of becoming affluent. Many cannot fill the seats of learning and of science; they have not capacities to acquire the needful treasures. But here is a reason why you should "seek those things which are above"; for these are always sure in their attainment. In the work of the Lord the servant may become equally great with the master; for moral greatness does not consist in doing great things, but in doing little things with a great mind. And these are accessible to all.
II. THE ONE IS FLEETING IN POSSESSION — THE OTHER DURABLE. What is all history, but a relation of the revolutions to which all worldly things are liable — of the rich despoiled of their wealth, of nobles stript of their honours, of princes dethroned, exiled, imprisoned, put to death — Pharaoh in the Red Sea, Nebuchadnezzar eating grass like an ox, Belshazzar the conqueror and the conquered, Napoleon the emperor and the captive! These instances, perhaps, are too peculiar, and too remote, and national, to impress many of you: look therefore nearer home; look at those things which will touch you. What is honour, but a noise of airy breath? What is popularity? It hangs on the wavering tongue of the multitude, who are like the waves of the sea, driven to and fro and tossed; now rolling towards one shore, and now towards another, according to the gale; now crying "Hosannah," and now "Crucify Him, crucify Him." Yes, wherever on earth you lay up treasure, you must lay it up where "moth and rust do corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal." And here is another thing to be taken into the account too. Allowing that these things could be perpetuated in your possession to the end of life, they can be possessed no longer. You have only a life interest in any of them. Shall I set my heart on that which is not, and that from which I am so soon to be removed? But now this is a reason why you should "seek those things that are above"; for he that succeeds here (and we have shown that you will succeed if you seek them), has "chosen," as our Saviour says, "that good part, which shall never be taken away from him." He has seized a blessedness which is independent of external accidents, independent of the revolutions of states, independent of the vicissitudes of time, independent of the ravages of death, independent of the conflagration of the last day: so that when "the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up," he can stand upon the ashes of the universe and say, "I have lost nothing"; "I look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."
III. THE ONE IS UNSATISFACTORY IN ENJOYMENT — THE OTHER SATISFYING. Take the "great things" you would here seek after for yourself; allowing that you attain them (and you have heard that the attainment is uncertain) — allowing that you could retain them (and you have heard that the retention is impossible) — yet there is no real contentment in them. Ahab was king of Israel Was he satisfied with his dominion? No; he covets Naboth's little vineyard; and because he cannot obtain it, he is sick forsooth and takes to his bed and can eat nothing. Some of the Roman emperors, who strode over the world, were the most wretched of all beings; they were burdens to themselves. I was one day walking with rich individual over his estate; his mind was in a serious mood, and I endeavoured to avail myself of it; and he made this very wise remark, "Sir," said he, "those who have not succeeded in the world always impute their dissatisfaction to their want of success; they are not aware of the insufficiency of these things themselves. 'Oh!' say they, 'could we obtain them, we should be happy.' But those of us who have succeeded, and have obtained them, and find ourselves no nearer happiness than before, are the men who know that the fault lies in the things themselves." But this is a reason why you should "seek those things which are above." They are satisfying.
IV. THE ONE IS DANGEROUS AND INJURIOUS IN INFLUENCE — THE OTHER SAFE AND BENEFICIAL. Yes; the "great things" you seek here for yourselves, owing to our depravity, are full of peril. "Who is the Lord," says Pharaoh, "that I should obey Him?" "How," says our Saviour, "can ye believe, who receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour which cometh from God only?" Even good men, with regard to these "great things," as they are called in our text, want peculiar grace, or they will. not be proof against their evil influence. Hezekiah could not bear the notice taken of him by the ambassadors of Benhadad; "his heart was lifted up; therefore was wrath upon him and all his people." I never yet saw a Christian improved by his rising in the world: I have seen many who have been injured by it: I have seen many who have been less constant and regular in their attendance on the means of grace, though they had more leisure, and could command a vehicle: I have seen those who have given less afterwards — not less comparatively, but less absolutely; some of them who gave gold, then gave silver, and some even copper. Wherefore, once more, "Seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not"; but "seek those things which are above." There safety is. These are not only blameless; but they are profitable — "profitable unto all things; having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." These, instead of polluting the mind, will purify it; they will draw you off from earth, instead of allowing you to settle here. Instead of elevating you, they will clothe you with humility; instead of leading you away from your God, they will connect you with Him; they will prepare you for every condition in which you can be found. Therefore you cannot have too much of these.
(W. Jay.)


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