Who are they that will have to appear before the throne of judgment?

Who are they that will have to appear before the throne of judgment? The answer is plain and admits of no exemption— “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.” This is very decisive if there were no other text. We must all appear—that is to say, every one of the human race. We must all appear. And that the godly will not be exempted from this appearance is very clear, for the apostle here is speaking to Christians. He says, “We walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident. We labor,” and so on. And then he puts it, “We must all appear.” So that, beyond all others, it is certain that all Christians must appear there. The text is quite conclusive upon that point. And if we had not that text, we have read the passage in Matthew in which the sheep are summoned as certainly as are the goats. And we have the passage in Revelation where all the dead are judged according to the things which are written in the books. They are all there. And if the objection should be raised, “We thought that the sins of the righteous, being pardoned and forever blotted out, could never come into judgment,” we have only to remind you, Beloved, that if they are so pardoned and blotted out, as they undoubtedly are, the righteous have no reason to fear coming into judgment! They are the persons who covet the judgment and will be able to stand there to receive a public acquittal from the mouth of the great Judge! Who, among us, wishes, as it were, to be smuggled into heaven unlawfully? Who desires to have it said by the damned in hell, “You were never tried, or else you might have been condemned as we were”? No, brothers and sisters, we have a hope that we can stand the trial. The way of righteousness by Christ Jesus enables us to submit ourselves to the most tremendous tests which even that burning day can bring forth! We are not afraid to be put into the balances. We even desire that day when our faith in Jesus Christ is strong and firm, for we say, “Who is he that condemns?” We can challenge the Day of Judgment! Who is he that shall lay anything to our charge in that day, or at any other, since Christ has died, and has risen again?  Spurgeon  


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