The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen." 2 Cor 13:14 

Here, my soul, set up your pillar. Baptised as you has been into the joint name, love, praise, and adoration, of the Holy Three in One; and blessed as you has been, and are, in their joint mercies, grace, and favour; here every day, and all the day, seek your portion and blessing, as the united source of all your salvation. End the year, and begin the year, under those precious tokens of God in Christ; and daily keep up a lively communion and friendship with each, as the blessed cause of all your happiness. 

Jehovah, in his threefold character of person, is working to finish what he has begun: and it is, and should be your happiness to be forever viewing the testimonies of it, in the holy Scriptures of truth. God your Father has so loved the church in Jesus, as to give him to the church, and the church to him; and God the Son has so loved the church, as to give himself for it; zeal for his Father's honour, and longing for the salvation of his people, led him through all the work of redemption, and now engages his heart, until he has brought home all his redeemed to glory: and God the Holy Ghost is unceasingly engaged to render the whole effectual, by taking of the things of Christ, and disbursing them to his people. 

See to it then, my soul, that every day, and all the day, you have the love-tokens of each person of the Godhead; for this will make you blessed upon earth, and blessed to all eternity. Hail! Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Bless both him that writes, and him that reads, with your grace: and open and close the year with grace, until grace be consummated in everlasting glory. Amen and Amen.


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