Therefore be ye also ready

Therefore be ye also ready: take ye heed lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping. What I say unto you I say unto all. Watch! (Mark 13:37).

WATCH against the leaven of false doctrine. Remember that Satan can transform himself into an angel of light. Remember that bad money is never marked bad, or else it would never pass. Be very jealous for the whole truth as it is in Jesus. Do not put up with a grain of error merely for the sake of a pound of truth. Do not tolerate a little false doctrine one bit more than you would tolerate a little sin. WATCH AND PRAY!

WATCH against slothfulness about Bible study and private prayer. There is nothing so spiritual but we may at last do it formally. Most backslidings began in the closet. When a tree is snapped in two by a high wind we generally find there had been some hidden decay. WATCH AND PRAY!

WATCH against bitterness and uncharitableness toward others. A little love is more valuable than many gifts. Be eagle-eyed in seeing the good that is in your brethren. Let your memory be a strong box for their graces, but a sieve for their faults. WATCH AND PRAY!

WATCH against pride and self-conceit. Peter said at first, Though all deny Thee, yet will not I.” Soon he fell. Pride is the high road to fall. WATCH.AND PRAY!

Let us watch for our own sakes. As our walk is, so will be our peace. Above all, let us watch for our Lord Jesus Christs sake. Let us live as though His glory was concerned in our behavior. Let us live as thou every slip and fall was a reflection on the honor of our Lord. Let us live as though every allowed sin was one more thorn in His head--one more nail in His feet.

O, let us exercise godly jealousy over thoughts, words and actions, over motives, manners and walk! Never, never let us fear being too strict. Never, never let us think we can watch too much. None of us are more than half awake!


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