(with Isaiah 57:15): — Here are two homes. In the one case, God is a home for the human heart. In the other, the heart becomes a home for God. This double doctrine has in it the very soul and marrow of real religion. The most complete description of man the sinner is that he is "without God." The most complete description of man the saved is that he is "in God," "he dwells in God and God in him." I once heard a man bid "good-bye" to the missionary who had found a way into his heart for Jesus and himself too. "You lib here," said he, putting his hand upon his heart. "You lib right in my heart. You came to me, an' you say, ' I love you, John,' I open the door and you come right in, an' I say, you'se welcome to all I'se got. You say, 'John, do this;' 'John, don't do that;' an' you love poor John; till my heart warm through and through. Master, good-bye; but you lib here all same till I die." Verily the man of God was in John's heart. Jesus wants to come into the contrite heart! To you He says, "Come down; for to-day I must abide in thy house!" But when God dwells in us by His Spirit, and "makes our heart His home," He becomes our dwelling-place and our home. It is not possible to retain in perpetuity any earthly home, but this home, the heart of God, can never fail through all the years. These walls can never crumble; this roof-tree can never decay; these foundations can never fail. From everlasting to everlasting He is God. Neither is there any eviction possible; nor any room for alarm at the approach of hostile foot or invading arm. The Lord is my fortress, my strong tower. "A safe stronghold our God is still!" That was the thunderous victor-song of Luther and his fellows, and all the armies of Pope and devil could not dislodge them. The Christian's dwelling-place is a safe home! For the eternal God is his refuge, and around him are the everlasting arms. Only cross the threshold, and you shall go out no more for ever. The Lord our dwelling-place. That speaks to us of shelter. When the cold winds blow, and the tempest beats, and the storm of rain or snow goes driving through the streets, how sweet to cross the threshold and gain the shelter of our home. We can hear the hurly-burly outside — the noise of the rain against the window-pane; the moaning of the blast; but none of these things move us — we are safe at home. "Our dwelling-place." How the word tells us of comfort; of content; of rest and home delights. By the ingle and the hearth we are able to forget the tedious toil and moil of the day. The toil-worn limb, the tired hand, the weary foot, the aching head, the jaded brain find at home a welcome quiet, a refreshing rest, a comforting repose. To dwell in God is to win that refreshment and obtain that rest. And does not the word speak to us also of supplies? Our dwelling-place, God. Food lies on His table; the finest of bread; honey in the combs; wines well refined, fatlings of the flock; all this and more tells the story of the bountiful provision, the sumptuous fare provided for every one who dwells in God, housed and homed in the loving heart of Jesus Christ.
(J. J. Wray.)


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