Yield yourselves to God

 But if you sincerely yield yourselves, the main controversy is at end between the great God and you. All your former sins are pardoned and done away at once. Those glad tidings you have often heard that import nothing but "glory
in the highest, peace on earth, and good will towards men," plainly shew that the Great God whom you had offended, hath Jio design to destroy you, but only to make you yield, and give him back his own. Though you have formerly lived a wandering life, and been- as a vagabond on the earth from your true Owner, it will be all forgotten. HHw readily was the re turning prodigal received ! and so will you. How quiet rest will you have this night, when upon such terms there is a re conciliation between God and you ! You have given him his own, and he is pleased, and most of all for this, that he hath you now to save you. You were his to destroy before, now you are his to save. He could easily destroy you against your will, but it is only with your will, he having made you will ing, that he must save you. And his .bidding you yield, implies
his willingness to do so. O how much of gospel is there in this invitation to you to yield yourselves to God ! consider it as the voice of grace. Will he that bids a poor wretch yield itself, reject or destroy when it doth so ? 8. And how happily may you now live the rest of your days inthis world. You will live under his care, for will he not take care of his own, those that are of his own house ? An infidel would. You are now of his family, under his immediate government, and under his continual blessing. And were you now to give an account where you have been to-day, and what you have been doing : if you say, you have been engaged this day in a solemn treaty with the Lord of heaven and earth, about yielding yourselves to him ; and it be further asked,


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