Be zealous for the truth; "let all your 
deeds be done in charity,"  but remem- 
ber that truth is the basis on which it 
should rest. And while you are zealous 
for peace, let it be in connection with that 
truth, without which there can be no 
peace. Let truth be established ; let it 
be placed on the throne on which it 
should reign, and then there shall be 
peace. Tliev, peace is our watch-word : 
Peace with all men peace in all 
things and peace for ever ! 

Divine revelation.

There was a time when each revela- 
tion of the word of God had an introduc- 
tion into this earth, which neither per- 
mitted men to doubt whence it came, 
nor wherefore it was sent. If, at the 
giving of each several truth, a star was 
not lighted up in heaven, as at the 
birth of the prince of Truth, there was 
done upon the earth a wonder, to make 
her children listen to the message of 
their Maker. The Almighty made bare 
his arm, and, through mighty acts 
shown by his holy servants, gave de- 
monstration to his truth, and found for 
it a sure place among the other matters 
of human knowledge and belief. 

But now the miracles of God have 
ceased, and nature, secure and unmo- 
lested, is no longer called on for testi- 
monies to her Creator's voice. No 
burning bush draws the footsteps to his 
presence-chamber ; no invisible voice 
holds the ear awake; no hand cometh
forth from the obscure to write his pur- 
pose in letters of flame. The vision is 
shut up, and the testimony is sealed, and 
the word of the Lord is ended ; and this 
solitary volume, with its chapters and 
verses, is the sum total of all for which 
the chariot of heaven made many 
visits to the earth, and the Son of God 
himself tabernacled and dwelt among us. 
the truth which it contains once dwelt 
undivulged in the bosom of God ; and, 
on coming forth to take its place among 
things revealed, the heavens, and the 
earth, and nature, through all her cham- 
bers, gave it reverent welcome. Beyond 
what it reveals, the mysteries of the fu- 
ture are unknown. To gain it accepta- 
tion and currency, the noble army of mar- 
tyrs testified unto the death. The general 
assembly of the first-born in heaven made 
it the day-star of their hopes, and the 
pavilion of their peace. Its every sen- 
tence is charmed with the power of God, 
and is powerful to the everlasting salva- 
tion of souls. Irving. 


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