Therefore, Know what is the worst thing of the times. Many of you think 
sword and pestilence, and the burdens of the time, the worst things; and it you were 
now to complain, ihe saddest complaint would be, affliction is laid on our loins.

But know this, if your cities were desolate; if your land were made a wilderness, 
and we captives in another land, there is yet a worse thing than all these; and think 
you not this strange ? Nay, I say, there is something worse already in us, that we 
know not of, and it is this, Make the hearts of this people hard.' A spirit of 
slumber and deadness from the Lord upon the land : there are multitudes he will 
never show his face unto ; it is still vailed from them, and they know him not. 
Ye that think all were well, if ye had peace and prosperity, and know no hiding of 
God's countenance, no anger but when he striketh, certainly you know not what his 
countenance is; by all these tilings men neither know love nor hatred. 2. Whatever 
calamity come upon you outwardly, deprecate most spiritual plagues and God's de- 
serting. If you have God's countenance, it may make you glad in much sadness. 
You would be most careful lest any partition-wall came in ; lest his counte- 
nance change on you, if you grieve his Spirit and break his heart. Seek to have 
his face to shine, and this shall be a sun with healing under his wings. O but 
Christ's countenance is comely, when it is seen without clouds ! but often it is over- 
clouded with much provocation. 


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