
Now then let me advise thee, whosoever thou art that read- 
est, to enter into thine own soul, and examine thine own state, 
whether or no thou art yet born again? Search and see, whe- 
ther as yet the spirit of bondage hath wrought its effects in 
thee; whether thou hast been enlightened, convinced, and 
terrified with a sensible apprehension, and particular acknow- 
ledgment, of thy wretched estate? Search and see, whether as 
yet the Spirit of adoption hath sealed thee for his own; whe- 
ther, after thy heart being broken, thy spirit bruised, thy 
soul humbled, thy conscience wounded and awakened, thou 
hast had a sight of Christ, and hast thirsted after him, and 
hast followed his ways and commandments by an universal 
obedience: If upon search thou canst say,without self-deceit, 
that so it is with thee, then mayest thou bless God that ever 
thou wast born; certainly, I dare say it, thou art born again. 
But if not, if all I have spoken are very mysteries to thee, 
what shall I say? If ever thou meanest to see the kingdom 
of God, strive, endeavour with all thy might, to become truly 
regenerate. Thou mayest say, perhaps, it is not in thy power; 
who can command the Spirit of the Lord, that bloweth where 
he listeth? I answer, it is indeed the Spirit, and not man, 
that regenerates or sanctifies; but I answer withal, the doc- 
trine of the gospel is the ministration of the Spirit, and 
wheresoever that is preached, as I preach it now to thee, 
there is the Holy Ghost present, and thither he comes to re- 
generate. If then as yet thou feelest not this mighty work 
of God in thee, and yet fain wouldst feel it; I shall lend thee 
two wings to bear thee, two hands to lead thee, to the foot of 
the ladder, where if thou ascend these steps aforesaid, I dare 
certainly pronounce of thee, thou art born again. 

The first wing is prayer, which first brings thee to God's 
throne, and then to the new birth; Hos. xiv. 2. Take with you 
words, and turn to the Lord; say unto him, Take away all ini- 
quity, and receive us graciously ; — and then it follows, / will 
heal their backsliding, I will love them freely. — The soul may 
object, I may say thus, and be no better. But I answer, Say 
it, though you be no better, because God bids you say it: Say 
it, and say it again ; it may be he will come in when you say 
it. — The soul may object again, How can I pray, and have 
not faith? I answer, Put thyself upon prayer, and who knows 
but blessing and faith may come? it is the Lord that con- 
verts, and heals, and saves ; and prayer is the means to pro- 
duce this effect: when we are required to pray, to repent, 
and believe, we are not to seek strength in ourselves, but to 
search into the covenant, and turn the promise into prayer. 
Therefore bow thy knees, and humbly, heartily, frequently, 
fervently, implore the influence of God's blessed Spirit 
Wouldst thou ask, and continue asking, wouldst thou cry, and 
continue crying, then could I assure thee of the promise which 
God hath made, and cannot deny; He that asketh receiveth, 
and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh (by conti- 
nuance and perseverance) it shall be opened, Matt. vii. 8. 

The second wing that bears thee to these steps of the new 
oirth, is, constant hearing of the word : thou must attend the 
gates of wisdom, and wait on her posts : thou must come to 
God's house, and hearken to the ministry of the word; and 
thou shalt see at one time or other God will remember thee 
in mercy : it is true I know not when, and therefore I wish 
thee miss no day to repair to God's house, lest the day of thy 
neglect might have been the day of thy conversion. Certain 
it is, no man should expect God's blessing without his ordi- 
nances, no eating of bread without ploughing and sowing, no 
recovering of health without eating and drinking; so no 
blessing, no grace, no regeneration, without waiting upon 
God in his ways, and in his ordinances. Now then, as thou 
desirest heaven, or the way to heaven, to be born again, I 
beseech thee make high account of this ordinance of God. In 
preaching of the gospel, light, motion, and power, go out to 
all, which men resist; and some are destroyed, not because 
they could not believe, but because they resist, and will not 
obey, and so die, Acts vii. 51. Luke xiii. 34. Ezek. xxxiii. 11 
Hos. xiii. 9. and yet I wish thee not only to hear it, but after 
thou hast heard, consider of it, ponder on it ; and lay the 
threats and reproofs, the precepts and promises, unto thine 
own soul : thus if thou nearest and meditatest, I doubt not 
but God's word will be a word of power to thee, and, toge- 
ther with prayer, bring thee towards the new birth. 


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