
 Ah, my brethren ! let us remember we are pilgrims and 
strangers upon earth, and our way lies over the brook Cedron ; 
we cannot expect to enter with Christ into glory, but we must 
first drink of the brook in the way; that is, we must endure 
many afflictions, variety of afflictions. You will say, This is an 
hard saying, who can hear it? When Jesus told his disciples 
of his sufferings to be accomplished at Jerusalem, Peter takes 
the boldness to dehort his Master, Be it far from thee, Lord, 
this shall not be unto thee: Jesus thereupon calls him Satan, 
meaning that no greater contradictions can be offered to the 
designs of God, than to dissuade us from sufferings. There is 
too much of Peter's humour amongst us ; O, this doctrine of 
afflictions will not down with Antinomians ; and hence we believe 
we have our congregations so thin, in comparison of some of 
theirs ; they that can break off the yoke of obedience, and present 
heaven in the midst of flowers, and offer great liberty of living 
under sin, shall have their schools filled with disciples; but they 
that preach the cross, and sufferings, and afflictions, and strict- 
ness of an holy life, shall have the lot of their blessed Lord; that 
is, they shall be ill thought of, and deserted, and railed against. 
Well, but if this be the way that Christ hath led us, let us 
follow him over the brook. 


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