True Gospel

When you see a preacher making the Gospel small by degrees and miserably less till there is not enough of it left to
make soup for a sick grasshopper, get you gone! Such diminution and adulteration will not do for me—my heart cries,
“Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift!” These gentlemen, you know, are highly cultivated and can tell us all about
it. They have a theology which is suited to their educated reason. To them, Divine Grace can be weighed in scales and the
Atonement in balances—unless, indeed, both are as the drop of a bucket—not worthy of being mentioned at all. Every
grand Truth of God with them is dwarfed and dwindled down into utter insignificance. The thought of the 19th century
makes men the heirs of apes, while it declares their souls to be mortal and their sins to be trifles! Our Bibles are made to
be mere human records and our hopes are treated as childish dreams! These pigmy thinkers shorten all things to their
pigmy scale.


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