ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God. Every page of the
sacred volume is stamped with the impress of Deity, and contains
an inexhaustible treasure of wisdom, and knowledge, and consolation.
Some portions of the word of God, like some parts of the material creation,
may be more important than others. But all have their proper place,
all proclaim the character of their glorious Author, and all ought to be
earnestly and reverentially studied. Whatever be their subject, whether
it relates to the history of individuals or of nations, whether it contains
the words of precept or exhortation, or whether it teaches by example,
all is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness. But while every part of the word of God demands the
most serious attention, it is not to be doubted that certain portions of the
sacred volume call for more frequent and deeper meditation. In the
Old Testament, the Book of Psalms contains a summary of all Scripture,
and an abridgment of its most important instructions and sweetest con
solations. In the New Testament, the Epistle to the Romans is entitled
to peculiar regard. It is the only part of Scripture which contains a
detailed and systematic exhibition of the doctrines of Christianity. The
great truths which are embodied and inculcated in every other part of
the Bible, are here brought together in a condensed and comprehensive
form. More especially, the glorious doctrine of justification by faith is
clearly unfolded and exhibited in the strongest light.
The Epistle to the Romans has always attracted the peculiar notice of
those whose study has been directed to the interpretation of Scripture.
To this portion of the Divine record, all who look for salvation by grace
have constantly appealed, and here they have a rich mine of evidence,
alike solid and inexhaustible. No considerable difference of interpreta
tion has ever been given of its contents by those who have renounced
their own wisdom, and determined to follow implicitly the obvious mean
ing of the word of God. This Epistle has been equally an object of
attention to those who admit the authority of Scripture, but follow their
own wisdom in forming their system of religious doctrine. Salvation by
grace and salvation by works are so incompatible with each other, that
it might well be supposed no attempt would ever be made to bring them
into harmony. Still the attempt has been made. Human wisdom can
not receive the doctrine of the Epistle to the Romans, and men professing
Christianity cannot deny it to be a part of Scripture.
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