Divine Justice

How contrary to this whole doctrine of the justice of God , is that spirit of frivolous, presumptuous ease and gaiety, which generally reigns in the world! This amounts to nothing less than a profane and insolent defiance of the Almighty Judge of the whole earth. I deny not that harmless frivolousness may be occasionally needful for the relaxation of our exhausted active powers. But I deny that any man or nation , or part of a nation , may make it the business of life , to procure frivolous gaiety and indulgence. If they do , it is at their utmost peril. The Holy government of the Most High , will not fail to secure its dignity , by their overthrow and everlasting torments. " Be not deceived God is not mocked."
Let us consider the majesty and power of the justice of God , as the guardian attribute of all the other excellencies of Divinity.This flaming sword will defend the honour of , and avenge the insults offered to , the holiness of God ,and everything that is Divine. The thoughts of a feeble , inefficient ,helpless slumbering , divine government , shall one day appear to have been the quintessence of moral frenzy . " Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself ; but I will reprove thee, and set thy sins in order before thine eyes , now consider this , ye that forget God , lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver."
Who can sufficiently estimate the preciousness of deliverance from the wrath to come , by the sufferings and blood of Jesus , the Son of God? That wrath shall as certainly come , as God now exists , lives and reigns . and every unreconciled sinner under heaven , is bound over to meet the righteous , impetuous storm of vengeance . "The hail shall shall sweep away the refuge of lies ;" The fiery billows will overwhelm every other hiding place but this one ,"Divine sealed forgiveness and justification , by the redemption which is in Jesus Christ."Precious redemption ! Precious forgiveness! Precious refuge! Th him who loved us , and washed us from our sins in his own blood; to him be glory and dominion , for ever and ever . Rev John Love


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