Consolation of Israel

 He is called, the "Consolation of Israel." He is not only a comforter—but comfort itself. Other comforts, when compared with him, scarcely deserve the name. True believers rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. A command is given them to rejoice in him always. The gospel which reveals him is a joyful sound, the tidings it brings are glad tidings.
Jesus may well be called the Consolation of his people, as he saved them from everlasting misery, relieves them under present troubles, and advances them to the regions of eternal joy and felicity. All the consolation they have in this world, is derived from him. If they have joy in God—it is through Jesus Christ our Lord, by whom they have now received the atonement. If they glory—it is in his cross. If they are of good cheer—it is because he has forgiven their sins. If they rejoice in hope of the glory of God—it is because Christ is in them, the hope of glory.
Hence we hear those who believe, expressing themselves in such language as this, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with jewels."
Christ is to his people—everything they can need, and everything they can enjoy. Happy are those who can claim interest with him—who is all and in all to those who love him. If they renounce the pleasures of sin, they have joys infinitely beyond them.
Reader, you, like the rest of your fellow-creatures, are in quest of happiness; but, permit me to ask, Where do you seek it? Do you seek it in the wealth of this world? That is but a splendid encumbrance. Do you seek it in the honor which comes from men? That is but a puff of noisy breath, a glittering bubble, which breaks almost as soon as it is formed. Do you seek happiness in the pleasures of sin? They are but for a season; they leave a sting behind, and end in misery and torment! Nay, even while you are in pursuit of them, you will find, that, like the briny waters of the ocean to a thirsty palate, they irritate rather than satisfy. Do you seek to get rid of disquieting thoughts, in mirthful and jovial company? Alas! this is only a temporary opiate—not a lasting cure. And it is well, if, like an opiate when its power is spent, it does not leave the spirits disordered, flattened and sunk. Learn to look for peace and happiness in him who is the Consolation of Israel; in the discoveries of his boundless love, the precious promises of his gospel, and the hope of complete salvation and everlasting glory through him. Here the true health, ease, and felicity of our nature, are to be found.


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