Feeding amongst the Lilies

6:2, 3. "My Beloved has gone down into His garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies. I am my Beloved's, and my Beloved is mine--He feeds among the lilies."
Faithful lips are not slow to give instruction. It is delight to direct others to the heavenly path. The counsel is ready, that Christ will be found in the company of His devoted followers. It has already been shown that believers are His garden. Here He has planted His precious seeds, and here He seeks His refreshing fruits.
Hence enquirers are exhorted to come forth from the barren wilderness, in which thorns and briers only grow; and leave the company of worldlings, whose principles and ways are enmity to God--to break from such entangling chains--to cast away these bewitching goblets--to renounce all polluted fellowships. In this desert Christ dwells not. They who would find Him must hasten to His garden--they must join the happy flock who walk in the narrow way--they must frequent the holy ordinances, in which His truth is faithfully proclaimed.
Believers profess that here they enjoy communion with the Lord. Dwelling in this garden, each one can say, "I am my Beloved's, and my Beloved is mine--He feeds among the lilies." May we have grace thus to call others to be one with Christ! Happy the minister who will have many saved souls as his joy and crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus!


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