The fragrance

" His smell shall be as Lebanon ."
That is the fragrance of a whole forest . It is said that the smell of Lebanon can be perceived a long way off . The trees and shrubs , and flowers with which it abounds mingle their pleasant odours in the breeze . The renewed life is a life of fragrance . The graces of a Christian character are marked by a sweetness that cannot be  mistaken . In the loving heart , the compassionate spirit , the saintly life , there is a fragrance which makes an impression on all who come within its range In other words , true religion has a winsome and attractive quality .
          All this , let us remember , is possible for all those who have fallen by their iniquities , and have grieved the heart of God , and hurt their own souls . For all who are in that condition the words are full of encouragement . The healing dew of the Spirit can do for them what it has done many a time for others in a like case .
                   "Can it be true the grace He is declaring ?
                    Oh! let us trust Him for His words are fair .
                    Man , what is this , and why art thou despairing ?
                    God shall forgive thee all but thy despair . "
 The poet's meaning clearly is that the mercy of God is so abundant that no soul need despair , however aggravated its guilt and however deep its defilement.    Alexander Stewart


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