I shall be satisfied...........

" I will behold Thy face in righteousness," says the psalmist . He is expressing the conviction that he will be able to look on the brightness of God's glory without being put to confusion , and his confidence manifestly rests on the assurance that in that day his soul will be conformed to the likeness on which his eyes will gaze . For our own comfort let us again fill the words with their New Testament meaning . The hope of the believer is that in that day of awaking , he will be "found in Christ ,"clothed in His perfect righteousness , and thus able to stand before God , "holy and unblameable and unreproveable ." It is an awakening which will mean fulness of joy and blessedness . "I shall be satisfied ," says the Psalmist , with "Thy likeness." There is no earthly hope but brings disappointment at last . A distinguished man of letters once received an honour which raised him to the highest pinacle of earthly fame , an honour which he had long coveted as the height of his ambition ; and this is how he  spoke of the fulfilment of his desire; "The dream of the reality was better than the reality of the dream ." But far otherwise will it be with the hope of the Christian . The reality to which he will awake will be immediately greater than the brightest dream that ever filled his heart . His whole being will be satisfied ; for he will be filled with the fulness of God . He will dwell in the house of the Lord forever , and throughout that long "for ever " there will be nothing lacking to the perfection of his inheritance or to the completeness of his joy . Alexander Stewart


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