Song of Songs 5 v1

"Eat ,O friends ; drink , yea drink abundantly , beloved ones !"

How gladly the bridegroom responds to the invitation of the bride . And may we not say Christ delights to be constrained by His willing people ? The Emmaus disciples "constrained Him saying , abide with us " and with what immediate grace the Lord responds , for we read , "He went in to tarry with them ." And having come into the garden, the King not only partakes of the fruit of the garden , but He spreads the feast , for He can say "Eat O friends ;drink , yea drink abundantly , beloved ones ." We may spread our little feast for the Lord as in the home in Bethany , but how rich a feast He spreads for us . If He found delight in the midst of His own , yet it was His presence that filled their hearts with gladness , for we read , " Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord ." Thus , again and again , as we journey on , He delights to come into His garden , set apart from this wilderness waste , and sup with us and we with Him , "until the day break and the shadows flee away" Then at last we shall sit down to the marriage supper of the Lamb in His own home of heavenly glory , to go out no more .


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