The Christian Minister

The Christian sustains a double relation , and has a double duty to perform ; he is a preacher to the world , and a pastor to the church ; and it is impossible he can fulfil , or be in earnest to fulfil , the obligations he is under to either , without a large measure of personal godliness. As regards the church that is committed to his care , and of which he is made by the Holy Ghost the spiritual overseer , he has to increase not their knowledge only , but also their holiness , love and spirituality; to ai8d them in performing all the branches of duty , and in cultivating all the graces of sanctification . And whaty is the present spiritual condition of the great bulk of the professors of religion ?Amidst much that is cheering , tyhere is on the other hand much that is discourageing and distressing to the pious observer . We behold a strange combination of zeal and worldly mindedness ; great activity for the extension of religion in the earth , united with lamentable indifference to the state of religion in man's own soul ; apparent vigour in the extremities , with a growing torpor at the heart . Multitudes are substituting zeal for piety , liberality for self - mortification , and a merely social for a personal religion . No careful reader of the New Testament , and careful observer of the present state of the church , can fail to be convinced , one should think , that what is now wanting is a higher tone of spirituality. The Christian profession is sinking in respect of personal piety ; the line of separation between the church and the world becomes less and less perceptible ; and this is taking place , less through the elevation of the world ,  than through the depression of the church . The character of general Christianity , as expounded from pulpits , and delineated in books , has too rarely a counterpart in the lives and spirits of its professors .

John Angell James.


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