The Kingdom of God

The kingdom recognises two successive homecomings in the history of every citizen . The exile discovered and borne back by the discriminating mercy of the redeemer , comes home when through the regeneration he enters a state of grace ; and he comes home under the leading of the same chief , when in the resurrection he enters a state of perfect glory . It is instructive and comforting to observe that , while both homecomings are joyful , it is of the first that the Lord expressly speaks when he intimates that over it himself and the hosts of heaven shall rejoice . It is over the repentance of a sinner that a jubilee is held in heaven ; they do not wait till the ransomed one shall appear in bodily presence near the great white throne . There is no need ; the entrance into grace ensures the entrance into glory . The children will all get home . No slip can come between the cup of the Redeemer's glad anticipation when a sinner is renewed , and the lip of his complete satisfaction when he welcomes the ransomed into the mansions of his father's house .


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