Christian Stability

Those who have , through faith , gone down with Christ in his baptism of blood to wash their sins away , acquire a depth and solidity of character which enables them to bear unmoved the tossings of a troubled time . An established , experienced , hopeful Christian , is , in the world , like an iceberg in a troubled sea . The waves rise and fall . Ships strain and shiver , and nod on the agitated waters . But the iceberg may be seen from far receiving the breakers on its snow white sides , casting them off unmoved , and while all else is rocking to and fro , standing stable like the everlasting hills . The cause of its steadiness is its depth . Its bulk is bedded in calm waters  beneath the tumult that rages on the surface . Although , like the ships , it is floating in the water , it receives and throws off the angry waves , like the rocks that gird the shore .
  Behold the position and attitude of Christians . They float in the same sea of life with other men , and bear the same buffetings ; but they are not driven hither and thither , the sport of wind and water . . The wave strikes them , breaks over them , and hisses past in foam ; but they remain unmoved . They were not caught by surprize , while they had a slight hold of the surface . . The chief part of their being lies deep beyond the reach of these superficial commotions . Their life "hid with Christ in God " bears without breaking , all the strain of the storm . Those who , through the blood of the Lamb , and the Ministry of the Spirit , become " First pure "may well afford to be " then peaceable ", although they are swimming in the shifting sea of time , and not standing yet on the stable shore of eternity ." He that believeth shall not make haste " In times of trial the deepest is steadiest .


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