
There belongs to every true notion of truth a power . The notion is the shell; the power , the kernel and life .  Without this last , truth does me no good , nor those to whom I communicate it . Hence Paul said to the Corinthians , "When I come to you again , I will not know the speech of them that are puffed up , but the power . For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power."Search then , after the power of what thou knowest ; for it the power that will do thee good. Now , this will not be got but by earnest prayer,and much attending upon God . Also thy heart must not be stuffed with the cumbering cares of the world ; for thy are of a choking nature . Take heed therefore , of slighting that little that thou hast . A good improvement of a little is the way to make that little thrive ; and the way to obtain additions thereto . " He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much ."
    Improve them to others ; and that by labouring to instil them into their hearts by good and wholesome words , presenting all to them with the authority of the scriptures . Labour also to enforce those instillings on them , by showing them by thy life , the peace they bring , and the glorious effects they have on your soul .. Let the doctrine give thee boldness to come to God . Shall Jesus Christ be interceding in heaven ? O then , be thou a praying man on earth ; yea , take courage to pray . Think thus with thyself , " I go to God - the God before whose throne the  Lord Jesus is reaady to hand my petitions to him ; yea , he lives to make intercession for me ."This a great encouragement to come to God by prayers and supplications for ourselves, and by intercessions for our families , our neighbours , and enemies .


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