
Christ tells us that men ought always to pray , and not to faint . And again he tells us , that this is one definition of a hypocrite , that either he will not continue in prayer , or else if he do it ,. it will not be in power , that is , in the spirit of prayer , but in the form . for a pretence only (Job 27:10 Matt. 23 :14 ) It is the easiest thing to fall from the power to the form , but it is the hardest thing to keep in the life , spirit and power of any one duty , especially prayer ; that is such a work , that a man without the help of the Spirit , cannot so much as pray once , much less continue , without it , in a sweet praying frame , and  to pray so as to have his prayers ascend into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.  Jacob did not only begin , but held to it "  I will not let thee go , unless thou bless me ". So did the rest of the godly. But this could not be without the Spirit of prayer . It is through the Spirit that we have access to the Father .
  There is a remarkable place in Jude , when he stirs up the saints by the judgement of God  upon the wicked , to stand fast and to hold out in the faith of the Gospel  , as one excellent means thereto , without which he knew they would never be able to do it  . Says he "building up your most holy faith , praying in the Holy Ghost ." AS if he had said , Brethren ,as eternal life is laid up for the persons that hold out , and for none other , so you cannot hold out unless you continue in the Spirit . The great cheat by means of which the devil and antichrist delude the world , is to make them continue in the form of any duty , the form of preaching , of hearing , or of praying . These are they "who have a form of godliness , but deny the power thereof ; from such turn away. " (2Timothy  3:5. )


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