
O Lord , revive thy work in the midst of the years. Hab 3v2.
When we are oppressed with the state of the church and the world , as Habakkuk was , there is no resource but to turn to God . It is of no use to say to our brother , "What shall we do. "Better at once to get into the presence of the Almighty . All conferences with flesh and blood are wasted breath , unless ther has been a previous one with God .
Note the unselfishness of the prayer which precedes revival . We must not pray ,"Revive my work ,"lest the insidious temptation come in of using the stream of God's blessings to turn our own tiny water wheels for our own profit . Let us get beyond the narrow limits of our church or section and ask for a revival of GOD'S work everywhere .
If any preach another Gospel than that which the Apostles preached , let him be accursed ; he is selling bran for wheat ; he is filling cartridges with sand. We want nothing but the Gospel of the Cross of Jesus Christ , proclaimed from lips which have received a new baptism of heavenly power.
Note the time . Not at the end of the years , but in the midst . This is a prayer for those in middle life . They are apt to think that their power for service has passed its prime  , and that the successes of their early days cannot be paralleled , but let them remember that in the midst of the years God can revive his work , and ask for it .

What an argument ! "Remember mercy" We cannot appeal to merit , but can lay great stress on mercy. Lord , have mercy on thy Church --revive her ; and may she arise for one great work of  soul salvation.


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