
Do we know the power of prayer?  Feeling that we are perishing , have we sent up a cry for help to that God who is a refuge for his people in every time of trouble . If so , He will send help out of his Holy hill of Zion  . Why is it that our prayers seem so frequently to go unanswered  - that despite of them all , we feel that we are sinking still ? Is it not because that they are not the cries of those who feel  their awful and affecting need of Christ , and are really desirous that his hand be stretched for their rescue . Let us go with the publicans lowly spirit , and with the sinking disciple's importunate entreaty , "Lord save me , I perish ! Lord I look to thee for safety . There is no safety in myself . I feel that I am a lost undone sinner , and unless plucked from the billows of sin , I shall perish everlastingly . But Lord, from the depths  I cry to thee; help me , O thou helper of the helpless !Show me that "mans extremity is God's opportunity ," and then , as surely as in the case of Peter , Jesus will stretch forth his hand . It may not be , as with him , "immediately ." But the Lord is good to them that wait for him , unto the soul that seeketh him.". "Wait on the Lord , Be of good courage , and he will strengthen thine heart . Wait I say on the Lord."


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