
Every minister truly called to office by the Spirit of God has a gift which may be described as innate , but brought to light and activity by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit . Fundamentally, it is a natural or concreated endowment , but called into exercise by the Spirit for the good of the church , and fitting the possessors of it to do a work which no other can do so well ; and the conscious possession of which should have a twofold effect ,-should disengage their minds fron all tendency to envy the gifts of others , and all disposition to be discontented with their own .
       The first disciples were called to wait in the attitude of humble supplicants for the power with which they were to be endued by the Holy Spirit coming upon them (Acts 1. 8); and we have there an example of what is ever to be reproduced . Before this they evinced ignorance and prejudice , timidity and shrinking from the cross , ambition and pride . After the descent of the Spirit there was no more debate who should be the greatest ; they forgot self , and rose to an elevation previously unknown . They imbibed new ideas of the spirituality of Christs kingdom. The Spirit brought all things back to their remembrance . The instruments that the Spirit formed felt that were rather passive than active in the whole work --tools in another's hands .  George Smeaton


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