John Knox

We are prone to forget the fact that John Knox was a chosen leader of the Reformation both at home and abroad , not a self inflicted exponent of its doctrines , leading the Reformers on through storm and stress to the victory which at last crowned his and their labours. To Knox's rare talent of dealing with men we owe the comparative bloodlessness of the later reformation period in Scotland , the elaboration of an effective educational system , the prevention of an upheaval in connection with the succession to the crown , the consolidation of our relations between Church and State, upset though this has been by the contentions of later times . On England and the Continent too, he has left his mark of statemanship ; while all english - speaking nations are indebted to him more than to any other man for the religious and civil liberties they enjoy.
     We can best honour his memory by cultivating those qualities which singled him out as the greatest of Scotsmen . Like him , when by thought and prayer we are assured that the good work we are putting our hand to is approved of God , let us not look back for a moment ; but trusting in God , go forward , however great the difficulties or numerous the foes , confident , that at last we shall gain the victory .
"Hold that fast which thou hast , let no man take thy crown "    William Brown


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