
Showing posts from September, 2010


Men by nature are soul starved , pining away under the want of souls' food ; and not only so , but they are so dead that they know not, nor feel it not ; for that he is" the bread of life ", imports not only this their pining condition ,but their being dead under it . Otherwise if they truly felt it , it would be a sign of a good condition to be sensible of their worst estate .   Christ is unto the needy soul all that it can need. He is , by way of excellency , the food of souls , which quickens them when they are dead , and refreshes them , and preserves the life which he gives; for he saith "I am that bread of life ." The excellent virtue in Christ to give and preserve life is ground of confidence to a believer ,that by closing with him he shall have everlasting life

Looking to Jesus

May we look to a far higher pattern than any man - whoever that man may be . May we look to the Great Chief Shepherd , in whose steps we are to walk ! May we abide in Him , and never trifle !    May we hold on our way , looking to Jesus author and finisher of our faith , keeping clear of the world , its pleasures and its follies, -caring nothing for the world's frowns , and not much moved by the world's smiles,- looking forward to the day when the Great Shepherd shall give to all who have done His work , and preached His Gospel , a crown of glory that fadeth not away! The more we have the mind of Christ , the more we shall understand what it is to "give ourselves to these things."

7 The Meetings - BRF Conference - 2008



Every minister truly called to office by the Spirit of God has a gift which may be described as innate , but brought to light and activity by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit . Fundamentally, it is a natural or concreated endowment , but called into exercise by the Spirit for the good of the church , and fitting the possessors of it to do a work which no other can do so well ; and the conscious possession of which should have a twofold effect ,-should disengage their minds fron all tendency to envy the gifts of others , and all disposition to be discontented with their own .        The first disciples were called to wait in the attitude of humble supplicants for the power with which they were to be endued by the Holy Spirit coming upon them (Acts 1. 8); and we have there an example of what is ever to be reproduced . Before this they evinced ignorance and prejudice , timidity and shrinking from the cross , ambition and pride . After the descent of t...

John Knox

We are prone to forget the fact that John Knox was a chosen leader of the Reformation both at home and abroad , not a self inflicted exponent of its doctrines , leading the Reformers on through storm and stress to the victory which at last crowned his and their labours. To Knox's rare talent of dealing with men we owe the comparative bloodlessness of the later reformation period in Scotland , the elaboration of an effective educational system , the prevention of an upheaval in connection with the succession to the crown , the consolidation of our relations between Church and State, upset though this has been by the contentions of later times . On England and the Continent too, he has left his mark of statemanship ; while all english - speaking nations are indebted to him more than to any other man for the religious and civil liberties they enjoy.      We can best honour his memory by cultivating those qualities which singled him out as the greatest of Scotsmen . Lik...

John Knox

Before the session of parliament , Knox preached an admonitory sermon to the nobility in St. Giles , and more particularly as to Mary's projected marriage (to Don Carlos , heir to the Spanish throne ) . "And now , my Lords , to put an end to all this , note the day , and bear witness hereafter , whenever the nobility of Scotland , who profess the Lord Jesus , consent that an infidel - and all Papists are infidels -shall be head to your sovereign , ye do as far in you lieth to banish  Christ from this realm and to bring God's vengeance on the country."     May 1563

A goodly heritage. Psalm 16 vs 5&6

"The Lord is the portionof mine inheritance and of my cup : thou maintainest my lot . The lines have fallen unto me in pleasant places ; yea , I have a goodly heritage ." Our blessed Jesus  more than walked patiently in all His path below . There was joy set before Him which gladdened His every step. In Christ God is our God forever . Can we desire more? How rich is this portion ! How reviving is our cup ! How can we bless His grace enough who has called us to this enobling state ? Angels are ours to guard . Providences are ours to secure our bliss . The God - mans blood is ours to wash out every sin . A righteousness is prepared to robe us for the courts above  . Heaven  is promised as our eternal home . We have a goodly heritage.      Henry Law.

Entry for 16 August 2008 - Untitled - Blog - My blog post - Yahoo! Pulse

Entry for 16 August 2008 - Untitled - Blog - My blog post - Yahoo! Pulse